Apricots is almost round with a depression at the top side where the shaft attached. Apricots have upright indentation that begins at the shaft and descends one side. Apricots peel color is yellow-orange to pink-orange and looks soft and smooth. Apricots may represent alike in appearance to peaches, yet those fruits normally have a ruby coloring to their peels. Apricots may also be mistaken with the bush, but the bush have brighter peel.
Apricots were growed by Chinese people about 400 years ago. According to history, the Great Alexander brought out Apricots to Armenia, then the fruit Apricots was also brought to Greece. The history also say that Apricots was a favorite fruit in Greece.
Apricots are so savory and healthy, Apricots is source of vitamin A for human body. Beyond apricot flesh is the center mature stone which perhaps use as relief bitter migdala. Apricots contain amygdaliny sporo.
Apricots were growed by Chinese people about 400 years ago. According to history, the Great Alexander brought out Apricots to Armenia, then the fruit Apricots was also brought to Greece. The history also say that Apricots was a favorite fruit in Greece.
Apricots are so savory and healthy, Apricots is source of vitamin A for human body. Beyond apricot flesh is the center mature stone which perhaps use as relief bitter migdala. Apricots contain amygdaliny sporo.