The golden yellow star fruit gets its name from the perfect five-pointed star shape that appears when it's cut crosswise. Star Fruit may be enjoyed eaten out of hand or the peel skin and slice into a fruit salad. The star fruit is often eaten raw in a salad or, when fully ripe, enjoyed as a dessert. The fruits are star-shaped when cut across and are crisp, juicy, and aromatic, although usually acid in taste. Simply wash the fruit, remove any blemished areas, cut crosswise to get the star shape, and eat!
This fruit acquired its name from the five pointed star shape when cut across the middle of the fruit. The best way of cutting a star fruit is cutting a washed star fruit into thin slices. Using a sharp knife, cut peel off star fruit, then slice fruit. When cut in cross-section, the fruit resembles a star, hence its name. When cut, slices of the fruit have a star shape, and often adorn salads and other dishes. It gets its name from the deeply ribbed exterior, which forms a five-pointed star when the fruit is cut crosswise. Cut tips off the star fruit, then slice 1/8 inch thick. When cut crosswise, this showy fruit has a striking star shape, which is why it's also called star fruit. Owing to its rich nutritive and medicinal value, star fruits in any form are recommended for health and glow.
Carambol is aalso known as star fruit. The star fruit is also known as starfruit, carambola, bilimbi, belimbing. The carambola fruit is also called star fruit. Oval in shape with five distinct, deeply-angled ridges, carambola has come to known as "star fruit" because its slices resemble five-pointed stars. It appears that star fruit (Averrhoa carambola) contains an excitatory neurotoxin. Whatever the venue, the star fruit, also known as carambola, is a tropical treasure to behold.
About the Author
The golden yellow star fruit gets its name from the perfect five-pointed star shape that appears when it's cut crosswise. Come Find out More about StarFruit at